Friday, December 28, 2007

Bad blogger. Bad!

Ok. So keeping up with a blog turns out to be easier when one is more busy than when one has nothing positive to report. However, here is an update since the fall, some of which I hope to expand upon and illustrate.

Halloween Party was a great success, not only because the Sox win in Game 3 of World Series, but because our spirited and creative guests survived unscathed.

Jerry spent the fall getting ready for The Revels, which wraps up this weekend. His efforts lead to great accomplishments, such as learning many lyrics in other languages and how to get to Harvard Square in a snowstorm.

The Christmas Revels 2007 have a Balkan theme. The show is spectacular and fun, a lot like Balkan Camp but with more clothes and less alcohol.

I finally got a new job after four interviews and six months of waiting. It took all my restraint not to mention that I planned my wedding in less time than it took to fill that position, but as we know, holding one's tounge is paramount in the workplace.

Christmas was also lovely with many great opportunities to visit and eat, the things we do best in our family, oh, and sing.

More later.