Saturday, June 30, 2007

The geranium potted on my desk finally bloomed. Water water water. So demanding. It lives on my desk, pining for the outdoor life like a caged bird, but there is no safe place for it our wild suburban yard. Jerry framed an area of our yard and planted peppers and tomatoes. I scrachted up some dirt and strew bulbs where some flowers have since grown and died. I like gardens but I don't like gardening. And geraniums smell funny, but they are pretty, like a lot of people I know.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


My early birthday gift from my cousin and fellow sea creature.

In anticipation of the holiday

Blueberry pie 2006. A particulary good year for blueberries.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Notes from the (football) field.

Today I interviewed a bunch of high school graduates. I asked them what they are going to do when they graduate. Most of thems said they were going to college, except one, who said he was going to go party. Then what? Oh. Then he's going to college. What is he going to miss about high school? The girls. Won't there be girls in college? Oh yeah. Hopefully there will be a lot of them, he said.